You keep talking that fake news Holy Bible scripture
stuff as truth, and I will Legal Waiver 86 you.
WTF? I’m reading the plan that ensures the survival and success of our American democracy by helping the MAGA Christian Republican witness to the world the truthfulness of their inerrant and infallible Holy Bible God. WTF! And I’ve seen that Bill Maher movie: Religulous, so you had me at ‘ice cube.’ WTF? – I know, dear reader, and I’m the one writing this!
See if you agree or don’t agree, dear reader, with this: The MAGA Christian Republican’s mind is a perverted one, like that of a pedophile, in that such a mind acts as if it no longer knows right from wrong – as evidenced by the MAGA Christian Republican’s support for that American traitor: Donald Trump: Traitor Trump. Like the pedophile, then, the MAGA Christian Republican no longer has a functioning conscience. And that assertion is easily proved valid, dear reader, by anyone who’s honest/mentally competent as anyone who’s honest/mentally competent knows that the MAGA Christian Republican would be acting completely different had that been Barack Obama who did what Donald Trump did at our nation’s capital on 1-6-21. It’s vile: morally bad, wicked. It’s abhorrent: causing or deserving strong dislike or hatred. It’s both vile and abhorrent to every faithful U.S. citizen, then, how MAGA politics has made Bible-believing Republicans into worthless American traitors and religious hypocrites of the gigantic asshole variety. What more can be said? Just this: Like the pedophile, the MAGA Christian Republican has crossed a line and must be stopped by those of us who are still decent and faithful U.S. citizens.
Hey, Bill 1:1 – Matthew 4:4 + Mark 16:18 = 1 Dead MAGA Christian. Mike 1:1
To all U.S. citizens reading this: Are you an American traitor? I ask that question, dear reader, because anyone who’s still a faithful U.S. citizen knows that Donald Trump is an American traitor. So, if you’re someone, dear reader, who (still) supports Donald Trump, that makes you an American traitor, too, and someone – under U.S. Code Title 18 – who deserves death, or a minimum fine of $10,000 along with a minimum five years imprisonment. And us faithful U.S. citizens are now coming for all you treasonous MAGA Christian Republicans. In other words: There are tens of millions of us faithful U.S. citizens who’ll soon be bringing Biblical justice (that’s secularly legal) to every treasonous MAGA Christian Republican in our land with The Holy Bible God’s Mark 16:18 Poison Challenge! as payback for what MAGA did to us and our nation on 1-6-21. This is going to be so historically epic! You’ll see.
If you’re a U.S. citizen: You do have the constitutionally protected First Amendment right to prove the existence of your God by taking any deadly poison – assuming your God encourages such a thing. OMG!!! In the Holy Bible, in Mark 16:18, the inerrant and infallible Holy Bible God says that His followers can take any deadly poison and that it won’t hurt them at all! Wow!!! So, is being able to take any deadly poison and not get hurt at all an actual truth by an actual living God? Or, is life and living found in realizing that the infallible God of the Holy Bible is a myth like Santa Claus is for saying that His followers can take any deadly poison and not get hurt at all? Well, we are about to find out, dear readers, because I now officially present to one and all: The Holy Bible God’s Mark 16:18 Poison Challenge! (A drum roll, please.) Like it once was back during Roman Colosseum times for the Christian, it’s now once again: “Put up” or “Shut up” time for the Christian religion’s infallible Holy Bible God to make a public appearance in actual recorded human history. (Now, ominous music playing.) What could go wrong? It’s all good – right? After all, each and every MAGA Christian Republican now gets the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to convert much of the non-believing world to their God by witnessing to the world the truthfulness of their infallible Holy Bible God’s word with The Holy Bible God’s Mark 16:18 Poison Challenge! (Uplifting music now playing.) A win/win for both the believer and the non-believer! Highly entertaining! – to say the least. The Holy Bible God’s Mark 16:18 Poison Challenge!
A few years ago now, there was that fun national craze sweeping our nation: The Ice Bucket Challenge. So, The Holy Bible God’s Mark 16:18 Poison Challenge!, then, is kind of like that – except for the deadly poison and a legal waiver needing to be signed. Now, regarding the former: A voice google search of asking ‘fatal poisons that humans should be avoiding’ yielded this as the answer: windshield washer solutions and antifreeze. (Always check, then, dear reader, the WARNING LABEL to make certain the poison is fatal/deadly if swallowed to comply with Mark 16:18.) And, now, regarding the latter and the matter of a legal waiver: You can go to the LEGAL WAIVER 86 tab that’s on the toolbar above for that legal waiver that’s necessary to have signed so that The Holy Bible God’s Mark 16:18 Poison Challenge! can be performed all legal and proper in the eyes of the law anywhere on U.S. soil.
As you’ve seen or will be seeing: LEGAL WAIVER 86 is just one page as a double-sided copy, or it can be printed out as two pages. Once signed, the signatory of LEGAL WAIVER 86 has assumed all responsibility/liability for performing such a dangerous religious stunt as taking any deadly poison and not getting hurt at all as per Matthew 4:4 and Mark 16:18. The Holy Bible God’s Mark 16:18 Poison Challenge! is, currently, a constitutionally protected right under the First Amendment’s ‘free exercise’ religious clause. Until a U.S. federal law is passed to prohibit it, a U.S. citizen can sign (on First Amendment constitutional grounds) LEGAL WAIVER 86 to perform The Holy Bible God’s Mark 16:18 Poison Challenge! and witness to the world the truthfulness of the infallible Holy Bible God’s word – the infallible word of God that everyone must live by as the truth of this world: according to the signatory of LEGAL WAIVER 86.
To All Reading: It’s solely upon someone’s own free will that anyone reading LEGAL WAIVER 86 also signs LEGAL WAIVER 86 so that The Holy Bible God’s Mark 16:18 Poison Challenge! can be carried out and performed.
Psst……….Hey, kid……….Just so you know: deadly poison will kill you or hurt you big-time, so don’t listen to the Holy Bible……….and here’s how you prove the infallible Holy Bible God is a myth like Santa Claus. In the first two chapters of the Holy Bible’s Book of Genesis is the Holy Bible God’s story of creating man and beast. So, which did the infallible Holy Bible God first create: beast or man? There are only three possible answers: beasts created first, man created first, beast and man created simultaneously. Obviously, an infallible Holy Bible God would know which answer is the truth. But what if one finds in the Holy Bible’s Book of Genesis that the infallible Holy Bible God has given more than one answer? Well, two answers proves that the infallible Holy Bible God doesn’t exist because two answers mean a fallible Holy Bible God. Genesis 1: 25-26 beasts created first then man plus (+) Genesis 2: 18-20 man created first then beasts equal (=) One (1) Mythological Holy Bible God. So, no, kid: No!……….Don’t you ever sign LEGAL WAIVER 86………..Don’t you ever take The Holy Bible God’s Mark 16:18 Poison Challenge!……….The infallible Holy Bible God is a Santa Claus God!!!
OK, the infallible Holy Bible God is a Santa Claus God. Now read and let those words, dear reader, have their Jungian way by going deeply into your subconscious mind right now, this very moment, and into your Universal Mind forever: The infallible Holy Bible God is a Santa Claus God. The infallible Holy Bible God is a Santa Claus God. The infallible Holy Bible God is a Santa Claus God. The truth, dear reader, has just set you free! The infallible Holy Bible God is a Santa Claus God. And, now, it’s going to be for us the greatest December 25th Christmas celebration ever! – in our United States of America and all around the world! – as Santa Claus and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer join the Jesus nativity scene so that all of humanity may now know what the true meaning of Christmas is! Hallelujah!!!
Now that you have your full adult mind, dear reader, best you now know this: Being the dedicated American traitors that they are, MAGA Christian Republicans are still actively seeking to bring about an end to our secular American democracy. Speaking, then, on behalf of all faithful U.S. citizens: I don’t want to live under Islamic Sharia law and I don’t want to live under Christian Bible law, I want to live under American secular law and the United States Constitution. And the reason why our U.S. Government is way more fucked-up than it should be is because of MAGA Christian Republicans and their religious lust for wanting to make our secular American democracy into an American theocracy with their Donald Trump. Not going to happen, though, not on our watch. That’s because the MAGA Christian Republican now has our unconditional support in helping them to witness to the world the truthfulness of their inerrant and infallible Holy Bible God’s word with their own Holy Bible God’s (Matthew 4:4 inspired) Mark 16:18 Poison Challenge. It’s the justice of a poet: poetic justice.
So, what happens if all the dead MAGA bodies from the poison challenge start getting stacked so high that the sun starts getting blocked? That can’t be good for the environment, can it?
It took the U.S. federal government passing a law to stop the (Old Testament) religious practice of polygamy in the U.S. Similarly, it will take the U.S. federal government passing a law to stop the (New Testament) religious practice now known: as: The Holy Bible God’s Mark 16:18 Poison Challenge! Such a law is based upon the following legal supposition: A person is mentally ill/mentally incompetent believing that they can take any deadly poison and not get hurt/die because those WARNING LABEL(S) are put on deadly poison product(s) for scientific reason(s). This necessary U.S. federal law to stop the religious practice of The Holy Bible God’s Mark 16:18 Poison Challenge!, then, means that this Tuesday, November 5, 2024, and every federal November election thereafter, before anyone is handed a ballot by an election worker, that election worker will ask you: “Yes or no: Are you a U.S. citizen?” By answering “Yes” you’ll next be asked: “Yes or no: Are Santa Claus and the infallible Holy Bible God both myth?” By answering “Yes” you’ll be handed a ballot so that you can vote as one must be a U.S. citizen and not mentally ill/mentally incompetent to be legally voting. And, now, with the existence of that second voting qualification question, the MAGA Christian Republican is both banned from voting in U.S. elections and legally safeguarded at the same time from The Holy Bible God’s Mark 16:18 Poison Challenge! because you can’t be legally giving someone poison on First Amendment constitutional grounds when that person’s been legally declared mentally ill/mentally incompetent and, consequently, barred from voting in U.S. elections.
Consequences. Remember 1-6-21. Remember 1-6-21 because allowing those political pedophiles and American traitors, those MAGA Christian Republicans, continued access to America’s governmental levers of power isn’t conducive to ensuring the survival and success of our American democracy. They – the treasonous MAGA Christian Republican – must be stopped by us – us faithful U.S. citizens – because they’re not going to stop themselves. Consequences. No U.S. citizen is under any legal obligation to vote. There was once a time-honored Christian tradition of staying out of politics and not voting (Mark 12:17 and 8:36-37) because politics and religion don’t mix – John 18:36: Jesus replied, “My kingdom is not of this world . . .” Consequences. When one considers how MAGA Christian Republicans have so thoroughly perverted the teachings of Jesus on love – Matthew 5:43-44 – by hating on their (political) enemies, it’s not like Jesus didn’t warn his followers about serving two masters: Matthew 6:24. Consequences. There are consequences the MAGA Christian Republican must now bear for serving two masters: Donald Trump and Christ Jesus. Like salt that has lost its taste, the MAGA Christian Republican is now no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless per the words of Jesus in Matthew 5:13. Consequences. Understand, dear reader, this: By not signing LEGAL WAIVER 86 you will be disowning the Holy Bible God and be disowned in return according to Matthew 10:33. You’ve been disowned, then, by something unreal, a fiction, a myth. With the advent of The Holy Bible God’s Mark 16:18 Poison Challenge!, we get to be the generation of Homo sapiens that proves for actual recorded human history, once and for all, whether the God of the Holy Bible is a myth – like Zeus or Santa Claus is – or not. No more maybe. Consequences – Remember 1-6-21. And, now, to conclude.
Join us. Like it once was in our United States of America when we’d ridden our land of the worthless slave owner, ours will be a more perfect union once we’ve ridden our land of the worthless and treasonous MAGA Christian Republican, you’ll see. WWG1WGA – Where We Go One We Go All – WWG1WGA. Join us. There’s some good in both liberalism and conservatism. Men and women of goodwill – be they Republican or Democrat or Independent – are able to find the right mix. And such an uplifting politics as that gets to being around Washington, D.C., now, because MAGA Christian Republicans aren’t around. Join us. Join us, dear reader, because you want to renounce treason and MAGA or because you’re already a faithful U.S. citizen. Print-out a copy/copies of LEGAL WAIVER 86. Feel the power!!! You’re now the one with the power over any treasonous MAGA Christian Republican crossing your path. Just give that American traitor, that MAGA Christian Republican, a copy of LEGAL WAIVER 86 – and you can, if you want, leave it at that. There’ll be others who’ll be doing likewise, but who’ll be carrying a pen and some antifreeze or some other deadly poison with them, as they wait for that fascist Christian and (MAGA) American traitor to read and sign this website’s LEGAL WAIVER 86. See, I told you at the beginning of this that this was going to be historically epic! I also told you that you’d be reading the plan that ensures the survival and success of our American democracy which you, dear reader, now know: as: The Holy Bible God’s Mark 16:18 Poison Challenge! with its LEGAL WAIVER 86. Next step now is for you to help make this into a national craze by July 4th fireworks or by Labor Day before the NFL regular season kicks-off. So, kindly requesting of you now and also thanking you in advance, dear reader, for texting your friends this link – – and for doing that social media thing, too, with this. As they say in Casablanca, “Welcome back to the fight, this time I know our side will win.”